Understanding Toddler Quirks

One moment, they may be sweet and charming like an angel. Then they may be monkeying around, making hilarious antics and entertaining you. Lo and behold, at the very next moment, your toddler may be rolling on the floor in tears and tearing his hair out while making incessant demands needing instant gratification.

Welcome to the unpredictable world of toddlers. From vigorous head shaking and fake coughing to stripping naked in public and biting mum and dad, these weird and bizarre habits might seem pretty disconcerting at that time but you will be surprised (and pleased) to know that such toddler traits are short-lived which your toddler will eventually outgrow with time.

Here are some other common toddler quirks that you may encounter:

understanding toddler quirks

Mood Swings

A predictable routine may minimise this but wouldn’t eliminate them totally.


Responding quickly to a toddler’s request may help to avoid meltdowns. If your child wants something that you simply can’t or don’t want to provide right away, try to distract him with something else.

Full-Body Tantrums

Refrain from giving in to your child if he throws a tantrum as it is effectively teaching your toddler that throwing a tantrum is a sure bet to get his way. Try ignoring the child by carrying on with your own tasks or by going to another room. If ignoring doesn’t work, some children can be jollied along out of an episode. You can also try placing the child in the “quiet corner” and wait for him to calm down before offering him some hugs and kisses.

Use plenty of praises to reinforce behaviour that you would like to cultivate and try to ignore (as much as possible) behaviour that you don’t agree with. Avoid harsh discipline as at this age, shouting and punishment may make tantrums worse.

understanding toddler quirks


Toddlers enjoy reading the same books or singing the same songs over and over again. We may get bored going through the same books over and over again but the point of reading or singing together is to enjoy the shared experience with your toddler. Suggest a different book when your toddler is older. For now, endure and read them, again.

Eating Just About Anything…Which Isn’t Your Cooking

Toddlers start putting everything in their mouths by the time they turn nine to ten months old. Sand, bubbles, playdough, you name it. This is a normal developmental learning skill and the toddlers’ way of learning to feel things for themselves.

If everything goes right into their mouths, why not dinner? Oh well, it’s just another toddlers’ quirk and their way of finding independence. They just wouldn’t eat what they’re supposed to be eating.


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